Inclusive Activim
Emerging Evolution
Deep Canvassing: How to Talk to Help People Reconsider Conservative Policies

Hey all today we are going to unpack the idea of Deep Canvassing. Inspired by this article

Deep canvassing stems from a simple idea; you can change minds through conversations. Canvassers use this method to engage voters in a conversation and get them to a mutual understanding by providing alternative perspectives.

It is a two-way conversation between canvassers and voters where voters are asked to share their personal experiences around the issue being discussed.

The strategy lays out:

  • Share your experience and get the conversation started
  • Listen to voters, get them thinking and sharing
  • Highlight common humanity

We will talk about what it is, how to use it, when it goes well and when it doesn’t.

We wil also use it to unpace these ideas:

Life is too stressful – lets vote for boring

Tax Reform said we were to average 4K back – did you get it – yeah me neither!

The efforts for Stimulus for real people – who pushed that?

Do you feel safer or more scared now – with all the current racial rhetoric (NOTE this is not about if he is racist or not – its about feeling safe and who is responsible)

How are you feeling about COVID-19 are we getting better or worse. If getting better who is pushing the better efforts?

If concered about Debt – who is really better at debt?

How do you feel about global perspective?

Who has a plan for the economy and who just hopes it gets better because it is “now open”?

Who is honest with us and is willing to tell us the bad news we need to hear?

Name one way your life is better now?

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