In today’s podcast we welcome Anti-Racism expert Daryl Davis. Mr Davis has made as a part of his life goal to prove you cannot hate someone you do know know. To this end Mr Davis has befriended many current and former self avowed white supremacists (KKK members or Neo-Nazis). And to that end he has also been gifted 20+ former Klan members robes as due those friendships they have turned from their former thinking.
This podcast is a deep dive at the process of seeing how it is possible to connect to the humanity behind the person with the extreme view. How to listen for the fear behind the position. To understand the human who holds the point of view. Though Mr Davis is not without his critics. The ability to hear through the fear is something we all may need to practice with others from time to time. That being said if this podcast was interesting to you check out his documentary “Accidental Courtesy” free on Prime and Kanopy (streaming free though many libraries) or go to https://www.daryldavis.com/ or on twitter @realdaryldavis
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