Today we unpack the concept of perspective. For it is only through the lens of our own perspective that we have the ability or capacity to experience the world.
We will look at the FACT that for YOU or someone else – your perspective IS your experience of reality. That is it – its all of it you cannot experience something outside your perspective. So in effect your perspective IS your TRUTH.
We discuss that you DO however have the ability to change or shift your perspective by focusing on what you want to experience. If you focus on being cursed, or what you “have to” do, or your experience of oppression – this is the sum whole of your reality. If you focus on how your lucky, your gratitude or all the things you have – or if you are oppressed how to work around or find others to help with your or others oppression – you start to see more opportunity too!
Lastly the only way to find more real and actual TRUTH is to widen perspective by meeting different people or getting exposed to new experiences. When we widen our perspective we widen our experience of truth in the world and then new opportunity is possible!
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