Well HELLO! It has been a moment – I took a bit of a summer sabbatical but I am back now.
New News – going forward the podcast will update and publish monthly now to give a bit more life balance for me as your one and only in this effort.
Today we talk about labels! Are labels good – well sorta yeah in a way – they comprise the slices of us that make us a unique us! Are labels bad – well yeah sorta in a way – they are ideas of who we are or “should” be based on a concept of a person who isnt a full human at all.
They are good and bad – but moreso the goal is get to know the full human with which you are interacting. Don’t get weird like I used to be when I was so hung up on the concept of “girls” and “women” that you miss out on the true amazing human in front of you. It is at once so hard and yet so simple.
Thanks for your ears and it is good to be back! Please rate and review the podcast and please continue to listen and support this effort if you find it of value as I move to a monthly format.
Be well and bless others!