Simply put the stories we tell and choose to add the power of our belief in create our worlds. This is why we must be clear and show where we want to go and what we want to do when we tell our stories. Think about our words Believe is so much like BE-LIVE, same with Belief is so akin to BE-LIFE. See how powerful our words can be when we act as though these things are true. We then pivot to telling and replication stories – to see the power of how stories create our lives think of the power of television – break that down to TEL-A-VISION – we too tell visions and creations of possible futures to one another.
In today’s podcast we talk about the need the critical and crucial need for action language with what to do in order to create and shape the world we hope to live. It is not enough to say stop doing something – in there is not action in NOT doing a thing. Change requires behavior replacement. We cannot be NOT racist we must be anti-racist. We cannot just be male feminists we must be anti-mysognist. It is not enough of a story to only say Defund the Police – we should consider changing our language to show where we to go. Defund the Police and Refund the Community – see how much clearer that future looks for others? If we cannot summatively and quickly articulate our story of the future the BE-LIFE-ABILITY of our dreams is affected. We must practice and get better at our ability to TEL-A-VISION to create our intended reality.