As it so happens there have been and email here and there. A DM here and there, and lots of comments as feedback. And silly me didn’t consider podcasting them all as I thought they were all just to me rather than the seeds of a dialog that are beginning to emerge from Inclusive Activism and Emerging Evolution.
So here it is our first Questions and Comments podcast! From you the listeners. We talk about podcasts from a while ago and podcasts for just last week. So sit back and relax and welcome to the first (of hopefully many) community conversations!
Remember if you want to comment and be part of the dialog you can record your voice memo or email me at inclusiveactivism@cox.net. For more about my and my site hop over to www.inclusiveactivism.com. Or if you want to reach out to dialog with Calvin you can do so at calvinbterrell@gmail.com or www.calvinterrell.com or www.socialcentric.com. Also keep those ratings and reviews coming all of this goes a LONG way to making us the community and our efforts to help and heal the world happen. Remember WE>me and #counselculture and #counselcultureovercancelculture