First off – sorry for the delay in this podcast! We have had a few unexpected things pop up on as and we had to react to those problems in real time. So this was posted about 5 days later than we would have hoped.
Michelle and I were interviewed by Revealing our Stories America a local nonprofit we are working with to help educators teach REAL history from the lens of the racalized groups who experienced that history. ROSAmerica strives to deliver training and resources to help educators bring these vital stories to the classroom with sensitivity and respect. Including the histories of many voices and perspectives allows students an entry-point into the material because the experiences of their ancestors are shared. They may come to see their teachers as trusted sources of information and education, as a result of this inclusiveness. And when students’ experiences and innate wisdom are valued as part of the American story, they make connections to the material they’re learning in school with civic engagement in society. In this way, students see relevance in learning this history. It becomes their connecting point for living lives of meaning, impact and compassion.
ROSAmerica offers professional development programs within a brave space to hold courageous conversations and to train educators to teach their courses through multiple voices and perspectives with sensitivity and respect. Using pedagogy and primary resources, experiences of education innovators, expertise from museum curators, etc., teachers will nurture their students’ curiosity to delve into complex histories and inspire them to shape the future.
ROSAmerica is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
And Michelle and I will be working with them to bring greater Justice, Equity, Inclusion and Diversity to a classroom or institution near you!
Thanks for listening – if you liked the podcast – share it with someone you care about. And if you want to reach me – email me at inclusiveactivism@cox.net or learn more about my/our work at www.inclusiveactivism.com